Tucson Valencia & Tucson Blvd. Car Rental

Location Details for Tucson Valencia & Tucson Blvd.

Location Details


Renting a Car at Tucson Valencia & Tucson Blvd.

Information for Renting a Car in Tucson

This car rental branch is located in the South Tucson area near the intersection of South Tucson Boulevard and East Valencia Road. 

Driving in Tucson

Rush hour traffic is generally from 7 – 9 am and 4 – 6 pm.

Places of Interest

Sonoita – approximately a 1 hour drive
Nogales – approximately a 1 hour drive
Phoenix – approximately a 2 hour drive

Car Rental Return

Customers may return the rental car to this branch or the Tucson Airport which is several blocks away (for a small additional fee)

Nearby Attractions

Saguaro National Park, Tucson Mountain Park